Accismus Hues 'Pearlescent' Worsted
ACCISMUS HUES - Tranquil, soothing shades of tropical turquoise that shift to a blend of plummy pewter gray, marshmallow, and muted teal before culminating with a skein that includes billowy...
Limerence Hues 'Pearlescent' Worsted
LIMERENCE HUES - Delightful, infatuating, saturated shades of deep violet and grape that shift to a blend of muted plum and iris, rosy blush and pale pink, light umber, and so much more before...
Susurrous Hues 'Pearlescent' Worsted
SUSURROUS HUES - Susurrous means full of whispering sounds - imagine the wind swirling through a darkened forest; the leaves whisper and chatter amongst themselves. What secrets will they share?...